

xkcd936 style passphrase generator with BIP32 word list.


Installation from the source requires Go installed on the system.

git clone https://github.com/weakish/xkcd935
cd xkcd935


make install

To change installation path (default to /usr/local/bin), edit config.mk before running make.

To uninstall, run make uninstall.

The Makefile is compatible with both GNU make and BSD make.


It is also possible to use DoIt with Python >= 3.10 instead of make.

doit install

To change installation path (default to /usr/local/bin), run doit install --prefix /absolute/path instead.

To uninstall, run doit uninstall.


As a Commandline Utility

Example output:

; xkcd936
subway modify spoil basic

To fulfill password requirements from some websites (white space is not allowed and/or mix case is required), xkcd936 can also output titlized words:

; xkcd936 -t

By default, xkcd936 will generate four words, consistent with the [xkcd936] comic. But xkcd936 can generate up to 12 words with the number specified in -n.

By default, the BIP32 English word list is used. To use a BIP32 word list in another language, specify it in -l.

Some diceware-derived lists can also be used:

- `diceware{1,2,3,4}`: four lists split from [diceware8k], containing 2048 words each.
- `diceware2k`: [a wordlist derived from diceware8k][diceware2k], containing 2048 short words.

As a Library

import (

// nil means using the default BIP32 English word list
var words []string = xkcd936.Words(4, nil) // e.g. []string{"cannon", "isolate", "soccer", "word"}
var phrase string = xkcd936.Phrase(words, true) // e.g. "CannonIsolateSoccerWord"
